Hypnotist Mark Anthony's 'Weigh Too Easy' System
Look GREAT for 2023 and onwards!
Give someone a diet and they'll lose a little weight in days (but then probably put it back on)... TEACH someone how to lose weight with Hypnotist Mark Anthony's Weigh-Too-Easy Seminar and not only will you keep it off for life - you'll actually enjoy doing it!
Losing weight can seem like a big task. Let's be honest - it's one of those things that one minute you are a few kilograms overweight, and the next your weight has spiralled out of control and seems like it's impossible to ever get back to how you use to be. Or it may be a case of "I'll lose the weight after I've had a baby" or a failed New Years Resolution...
However it is you have ended up here - FORGET IT! Your new focus is the lesson Hypnotist Mark Anthony is about to teach you and the amazing results you are going to see!
Losing Weight is just half the battle... Keeping it off is the key - And this revolutionary breakthrough method does just that!

Welcome to Your New Weight Loss System
Here's why attendees love the Weigh Too Easy system
Is Being Overweight That Bad
It's obvious being overweight is uncomfortable, but did you know it also makes you more prone to:
It can also affect fertility, your confidence and in general your life.
Many companies are offering their employees gym membership and personal trainers plus much more in a desperate bid to have healthier employees - why not take the simple, more enjoyable method, and much more successful long term too.
We would like to talk to you in detail with how we can achieve a healthier workplace - so please give Hypnotist Mark Anthony a call.
- Company rates available
You'll Feel Happier When You Feel Slimmer and Healthier
It's a fact!
We all feel 'happier' when we have lost weight and got ourselves slimmer, thinner, healthier and fitter!
What's stopping you?... Excuses!
Don't let procrastination and excuses stop you, that's for the losers in life... 'you're not a loser' are you... Of course you're not!
Book now and put a smile on your face!
What Is The Weigh Too Easy System
With so many 'Weight Loss' clinics, pills, diets, potions and methods available today - it is hard to know who to choose to guide you on your Weight Loss journey. If you don't want to diet but want to lose weight... don't want ongoing costs but want support than this IS the method for you.
So surely it can't be that easy to Lose Weight just by going to one seminar?!
YES it can and YES it is. You read it right - all you need to do is come to one seminar - ready to listen and follow Hypnotist Mark Anthony's simple instructions.
But I don't want to be a number... that's so impersonal!
To Hypnotist Mark Anthony you will never just be a number. In a private and exclusive seminar of just 7 attendees, Hypnotist Mark Anthony will focus on your individual needs.
Hypnotist Mark Anthony wrote the 'WeighTooEasy' Method in 2008. He put countless hours of research and reflected on past experiences of being 25 kilograms over weight. He put his method into practice, and within weeks had many friends and family saying "You look great.... Have you lost weight?"
Today, the 'WeighTooEasy Method' is helping many people to not only lose weight - but to keep it off. It is one of the most cost effective methods today. And to prove that he truly believes his method, Hypnotist Mark Anthony offers a money back guarantee - there aren't too many methods that offer that.
What's Involved
So what's exactly involved with Hypnotist Mark Anthony's 'WeighTooEasy' Method?
The 'WeighTooEasy' Method takes 3.5 hours to learn. Held in Hypnotist Mark Anthony's on the beautiful Gold Coast at his Clinic in Bundall or now available online via Zoom - the seminar is relaxing and interactive, and held one on one or in a small group of just 3-4 people. The method will certainly work in larger groups, but by keeping it to a minimum, we can ensure you personal undivided attention - to us you are a valued client - not just a number we can throw into our statistics.
If one on one or small group, when you arrive at Mark's office, one of our friendly team from Gold Coast Wellness Centre will ask you to fill out a simple questionnaire so Hypnotist Mark Anthony can get a better understanding who you are. From there, you will be directed upstairs to your seat where Hypnotist Mark Anthony himself, will host this revolutionary weight loss seminar.
The seminar is interactive - answering your specific questions and concerns, is relaxing - with an amazing hypnosis relaxation session, with no pressure and fun. Participants walk away intrigued by hypnosis, with a clear weight loss focus and of course relaxed.
The ' 'WeighTooEasy' Method is what it says... ''Way Too Easy'. There is no pain, no hard questions, it's not embarrassing and there are no on-going sessions or costs.
But how does it work? Much like we don't question how a light bulb lights up when we flick the switch - there is no need to question exactly how hypnosis or the seminar itself works. The workings behind it are astronomical. The 'WeighTooEasy' Method has a great success rate, and people still walk away wondering exactly how it has worked for them and why it was so easy... but the main thing is - it worked!
IMPORTANT: YOUR results are based on YOUR commitment to the seminar, and the simple instructions that follow. We know the system works - You know whether you will follow it or not.
We do not ask for testimonials as you leave the 'WeighTooEasy' Method - we know you will be feeling relaxed and revitalised and confident about your new weight loss journey. To put people on film expressing this and then publishing it like a genuine success is just plain deceiving - and trust us, there are a few companies who do just that!
Weight loss with Hypnotist Mark Anthony's method is a gentle progress. Your body will thrive using the method - and your health will be at its peak. The results will be permanent as long as you follow the simple instructions.
Results will vary depending how much you following the simple instructions Hypnotist Mark Anthony gives you. There is no gym memberships, no rubbish diets, no calorie counting and no milk shakes - so there is NO EXCUSES why this amazing weight loss seminar won't work for you - unless you don't follow it.
Your Investment In Your Future Health
There is a one of payment of just $599 $499. This fee includes your attendance to the 'WeighTooEasy' Method seminar, and all the tools and amazing support you could imagine for after the seminar if you require.
* A working email address
* Reading glasses if required for filling out your paperwork
* Your receipt from payment online or your booking reference number issued upon your phone booking
* Photo Proof of ID (drivers license etc) - so we can back your booking with our money back guarantee
* To be on time. We open our doors 30 minutes before the seminar begins, and close strictly 15 minutes before the seminar starts to ensure all attendees have filled out their forms in ample time before the seminar begins.
We do not start our seminars late - and if you are not on time, we will need to move you to our next available seminar. We have off street parking on site - however you do need to consider limited spaces, so you need to allow enough time for travel and park.
Other Programs Available
Here are links to others programs and seminars offered by Mark:
Contact Mark
Our Wellness Centre
31 Crombie Avenue, Bundall, Qld, 4217
Tel: 07 3102 9797
Book your seat for the next 'Weigh Too Easy' Seminar!
Next Weigh Too Easy Seminar Date:
TBA - Gold Coast